What is the ticker symbol for Innventure and on what exchange are the shares listed?
Innventure trades on the Nasdaq Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol INV.
When did Innventure publicly list their shares?

Innventure began public listing of its shares on October 3, 2024.

How can I purchase shares of Innventure?

Innventure common stock must be purchased in the open market through any registered broker.

Where are the corporate offices located?

6900 Tavistock Lakes Blvd
Suite 400
Orlando, FL 32827

Where is the company incorporated?

Innventure is incorporated in Delaware.

Who is Innventure’s transfer agent and what is their contact information?

Equiniti Trust Co, LLC 
6201 15th Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11219
Email: SPACSUPPORT@equiniti.com 

Does Innventure pay a dividend?

At this time, Innventure does not pay a dividend.

When does Innventure’s fiscal year end?

Innventure’s fiscal year ends on December 31.

Who are the board members and executives of Innventure?

Biographies of Innventure’s management team can be found here and the board can be found here

Who is Innventure’s independent auditor?


How can I view documents Innventure has filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including Forms 10-K and 10-Q?

SEC filings can be accessed from Innventure’s SEC filings page or directly from the SEC at www.sec.gov.

How do I get added to Innventure’s email distribution list?

Please go to the email alerts section of the Investor Relations website or click here.

How do I contact Innventure’s Investor Relations department with a question or request?

You may contact Innventure Investor Relations via email at investorrelations@Innventure.com.